Development environment

System requirements

Spinta is mostly developed on Linux, so you need a Linux or at least a Mac. If you are using Windows, then you can use Windows subsystem for Linux. Of course, if you are brave enough, you can add native Windows support too, but this might take some time.

You must have Python 3.10 or newer.

You need Poetry package manager.

Get your favorite code editor. This project was developed using mainly NeoVim and PyCharm, but you can use any code editor you like.

Development environment

Clone code repository locally:

git clone && cd spinta

Prepare project for work:


Run services needed for tests:

docker-compose up -d

Run tests:

poetry run pytest -vvx --tb=short tests

That should be it, you are ready to contribute some code!

Contributing code

Before starting, first pick an issue, or create a new one.

Create a new branch for the issue.

Checkout your issue branch.

Write tests first.

Work on a solution.

Submit a pull request.

Get a code review.
