
Here you can find information about access logging. Access log, will track which API endpoints are accessed, it will not log details about accessed data objects (rows).

Configuring logging

Access log is controlled by accesslog component. You can fined all available accesslog components using this command:

$ spinta config components.accesslog
Origin  Name                         Value
------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------------------
spinta  components.accesslog.file    spinta.accesslog.file:FileAccessLog
spinta  components.accesslog.python  spinta.accesslog.python:PythonAccessLog

Here we can see two logging components available, file and python.

python component is mainly used for testing, it saves log messages in memory, do not use it in production environment, you will run out of memory.

For production you should use file component.

You can set logging backend liek this:

accesslog.type: file
accesslog.file: /path/to/file.log

See Configuration for more information.

Log message format

Log messages are stored in JSON Lines format, a new JSON object is appended to the specified file as a new line.

Here is an example of a log message:

  "agent": "HTTPie/2.5.0",
  "client": "default",
  "format": "json",
  "action": "getall",
  "method": "GET",
  "url": "http://localhost:8000/example/City",
  "time": "2021-11-09T14:49:12.173881+00:00",
  "model": "example/City"

Real log message would be stored in a single line, here log message is split into multiple lines for better readability.

List of possible fields in a log message:

Always present fields:

agent:User agent used to access data.
client:Client name used to access data (see Client credentials).
format:Requested data format (see spinta config exporters for supported formats).
action:Data request action (available actions).
method:HTTP request method.
url:Full request URL.
time:Date and time when log message was recorded.

Extra fields fields, that might not be present in log message:

txn:Transaction id of a write operation.
rctype:Request body content type, for example application/json.
ns:Accessed namespace name (if a namespace was accessed).
model:Accessed absolute model name (if a model was accessed).
prop:Accessed property name of a model (if property was accessed).
id:Accessed object id (if object was accessed directly).
ref:Accessed object revision (if object was accessed directly for writing).

Log messages contains only relevant fields. For example rctype is only available for write operations, ns, model, prop are only available if a namespace, a model or a property is accessed.

Reading log messages

You can use jq tool for reading log messages from a json lines file.

For example if you want to get only messages where a model was accessed, you can run this command:

$ cat accesslog.json | jq 'select(has("model"))'

Or if you want to get all model messages where action was getall:

$ cat accesslog.json | jq 'select(has("model") and .action == "getall")'